About Jenny

Hello and Welcome!

A subtle scent of wild blossoms drifts on the early June breeze. I am astride my grey-white horse. We meander along together alongside a creek, in the east end of the Bear Paw Mountains of north central Montana. His hooves swish through the impossible green of mountain brome. The sharp, raw, verdant scent of crushed blades of grass rises. I close my eyes. One hand rests on the rough hair of my horse’s silvery mane. The other lets the leather reins drop to his neck. He carries me on faith and trust. The creamy white blossom-scent of hawthorn and chokecherry bushes enfolds us. We splash through the clear mountain stream and tread onwards over this land.

My name is Jenny Wright and I live central Oregon.

I had the good fortune to grow up on a cattle ranch on the east end of the Bear Paw Mountains in Montana. I am the wife of the man who is my soul and heart mate and who is a horseman in the truest sense – a scholar and advocate of the horse in the most profound way possible; the daughter of ranchers and caregivers of the land; sister to an artist who is also my best friend; a steadfast friend of others; lifelong student and partner of the horse; and lover of solitude, long horseback rides and hikes, books and nature. For over 20 years I worked as a farrier. Now I am a writer and a seeker.

In 2019 I left Montana for Oregon. But I have found I am still connected to Montana by an invisible tether, even as I am in Oregon. The land sings to me in both places.

This connection is many layered; it deepens and deepens. Each day I become aware of so many of the land’s offerings; its landscape, all the lives that live upon it, its very atmosphere and essence. It changes, always.

This blog is where I will tell the stories of the land and its ancient powers. 

There will be stories about horses, for they are intertwined tightly with the land and with me. There will be stories of the search for solitude in this world where life rushes faster each day. And, oh yes, stories of books I’ve read, the book I’m writing myself, my animals and pictures. Many pictures. Honestly, these writings will evolve and you are along for the journey!

Regarding the name of my blog, “EarthWise and the Alabaster Horse”

“EarthWise” is about the earth. It is how I do my best to live each day, with the wisdom of the Earth. The Earth as a whole, as an ancient power, as the Earth I am connected to, as the ground I walk every day. I continue to learn of her ancient power/wisdom, which will be explored here as well.

“Alabaster Horse” was chosen because of my life-long love affair with horses and the appearance in my life of a grey-white horse of the Lusitano breed, who are native to Portugal. This horse, Evaristo, whose name means “well pleasing” in Portuguese, has been a pivot point in my life. Not only is Evaristo well pleasing, but he can be a bit of an imp as well. There will be stories of him, and other horses, in my blog.

The stone alabaster and horses both please the eye, but they have other, deeper meanings.

Alabaster is a gemstone that in ancient Egypt was used for carvings. While it has many qualities, I will highlight here those significant to me:  encourages feelings of peace and calmness, provides inner harmony, sparks creativity, lessens fear, bridges the gap between physical and spiritual lessons, is a drawing stone as it draws things to you or away from you depending on what your needs are and expands the ability to forgive yourself and others.

Then there are horses. Who does not love horses? Or at least the vision of a horse that runs free across hills that roll to the horizon as far as the eye can see? For centuries, they have existed in reality, folklore, and magic. Horses are born with an innate sense of self that must always be respected and honored. They are generous, strong, quick, intelligent, ever so sensitive, and offer a connection not only to them, but to the entire universe. They carry our bodies across the earth and carry our souls, also.

Horses are messengers, for they bear us back and forth from the outer world and inner world of our self. They will also, if they decide we are worthy of their respect and regard, allow us to travel into their inner universe. This is a rich realm of senses that I will say nothing farther of. If you desire to, you must find it through your own quest.