Good day to all! This addition to Earthwise and the Alabaster Horse is the first part of what will become an ongoing series that will appear from time to time showcasing the colors of nature. As far as I am concerned, these are the most beautiful colors. Colors found in nature run the gamut from quiet shades of brown to riotous reds of flaming paintbrush flowers. Nature’s colors cover the whole color spectrum. Pretty amazing. Sometimes you have to peer close to examine the colors, and at other times you are overwhelmed by the brilliant, startling blue of the sky arcing overhead on a bright spring day. Enjoy!

May the colors here today inspire you to look closer and spend moments out on the land seeing. Nature loves to be appreciated.
Stunning, Jenny, thank you. I am particularly fascinated by lichens and mosses, their vibrance of hue and richness of texture.
Sara, I also find mosses and lichens intriguing! When one gets down at their level and looks closely, there is so much to see. And, yes, the colors and textures are a wonder. Thank you for your lovely words:)