Golden trumpet, serenade rays of sun. This is the first in what will become a series of six word stories. I will post a photo, video, image, sentence with blank spaces, etc and write a story about it in six words. Then, I look forward to reading your own six word story in the comments box at the bottom of the page. Wow me!

Hues of Nature 1
Good day to all! This addition to Earthwise and the Alabaster Horse is the first part of what will become an ongoing series that will appear from time to time showcasing the colors of nature. As far as I am concerned, these are the most beautiful colors. Colors found in nature run the gamut from quiet shades of brown to riotous reds of flaming paintbrush flowers. Nature’s colors cover the whole color spectrum. Pretty amazing. Sometimes you have to peer close to examine the colors, and at other times you are overwhelmed by the brilliant, startling blue of the sky…

A Note on Housekeeping...or rather, Blogkeeping
Good day! A couple of days ago, March 31 to be exact, I added a new post. However, due to an unknown-at-the-time technological issue, my subscriber list had disappeared. Grrrr! So, the new post did not disperse to the patient folks on my subscriber list. After a couple days of poking around, mostly by my amazing website person, the subscriber list reappeared. A huge sigh of relief on my part! You can find the post here.

Here We Go!
I am back. A long time away from this space, I know. It seems like my blog follows the arc of the year; active in spring, summer and fall, then hibernates over the winter. Now it is time to emerge and stretch upward in the ever-strengthening sunlight. My Lusitano, Evaristo, and I Even though the blog has been in hibernation for some months, it has been much in my thoughts. I’ve been thinking and doing some work on its evolution, how to move it in a direction that feels sustainable for me. Too, I wish to make it a space…

Silver Thoughts
Notation in hiking journal: July 26, 2020 9:27AM Going to be a hot day I’ve been hiking a while. Long enough for the chill of the early morning to fade. When I awoke like usual close to 5 AM, my upper back between my shoulder blades and the back of my neck were already tense. Tense muscles make for a tight mind. These early morning hours are my time to read, or write. Lately, it’s been reading. I devour book after book. It’s been some time since I’ve done this. So far, I am not satiated. The books feed…

Symphony of the Land
Composer Chris Thomas is brilliant. He listened to the land and wrote a story in the form of an extraordinary symphony about a place. One day soon, I, along with Clay, am going to visit that place. For now I savor from afar and explore from home. The place: Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon. This is a departure from our normal offerings on EarthWise and the Alabaster Horse, which will happen from time to time. In this piece, there are several web links and videos to view. I encourage you to take the time, not all at once…