Notation in hiking journal: July 26, 2020 9:27AM Going to be a hot day I’ve been hiking a while. Long enough for the chill of the early morning to fade. When I awoke like usual close to 5 AM, my upper back between my shoulder blades and the back of my neck were already tense. Tense muscles make for a tight mind. These early morning hours are my time to read, or write. Lately, it’s been reading. I devour book after book. It’s been some time since I’ve done this. So far, I am not satiated. The books feed…
Category: Way

Impressions ~ Walking I
July 12, 2020 8:53AM. East side of Lone Pine Rd, Crook County, Oregon. On the sidehill of a butte, at the top of a favorite trail. My hair is loose today. I feel witchy. Witches were among the first of the wise women, connected directly to the land. Men and fear turned the word into how it is perceived today. The last quarter of the moon floats high in the southwest sky. A sky-blue and alabaster white translucent pearl. The moon, high in the upper right corner. Almost a forgotten cloud fragment. Above and behind me, the butte is a…

Ways of Water
The wet salty mineral smell of the sea wrapped around me, held me upright and pulled me towards the waves. Sea gulls dipped and glided below clouds a shade darker than they. Their white heads stood in stark contrast to the shades of grey, and their yellow beaks glowed. Their strident calls fell in sharp notes into my ears, reddened by the fresh west wind. At my feet, dull tan sand gleamed a matte wetness, firm as each wave scrubbed it and returned to the sea. A voice behind my right shoulder explained, “Each seventh wave is larger than the…