Horses and roots go hand in hand. Or, rather, hoof and root. Improbable. We will examine this thought. I speak of the true movement and be-ing of horses. They root. They root to the earth and to the landscape. They root to the air. I recall a line attributed to an ancient Arabian proverb as “horses are drinkers of the wind.” Horses root to their spirit. They root to each other. They can root into us and we into them if we can find this. Or allow this. Trees root. We all know this. Have you ever considered that rocks…
Year: 2021

BlogKeeping II...
Here is a quick notice regarding my last post, which did not disperse to my readers as it was supposed to. I think I’ve got it working again! You can read it here. As a not so subtle hint, this post is the beginning of the presence of horses on EarthWise and the Alabaster Horse. I am looking forward to their being here, as I’ve all kinds of ideas and words I want to include about them. The photo of the flowers (which I believe are a type of amaryllis) is from a visit to Manito Park public gardens in…

Horses & Life, the Beginning
Here we begin my long anticipated addition of horses to EarthWise and the Alabaster Horse. Horses have, and still do, occupy a huge part of my life. It is hard to know where to begin with them. They have been present in my life from before my earliest memories and throughout each part of it. I can say horses have been one constant in my life. I am considering including more about horses in this space. In these times of digital devices, the internet and the crazy fast pace our lives are expected to be, I find horses a haven.…

Never Forget
a meditation When we are small [children] and close to the earth, there is more landscape than time. It’s only later that we forget. Only later that we begin to play pretend.Joe Wilkins We are part of a mystery, a splendid mystery within which we must attempt to orient ourselves if we are to have a sense of our own nature.Marilynne Robinson I am back. With resolve, after unexpected life happenings this spring and summer that carried forward to this moment. This most recent hiatus in EarthWise and the Alabaster Horse is ended with a scene offered as…

Six Word Story 1
Golden trumpet, serenade rays of sun. This is the first in what will become a series of six word stories. I will post a photo, video, image, sentence with blank spaces, etc and write a story about it in six words. Then, I look forward to reading your own six word story in the comments box at the bottom of the page. Wow me!

Hues of Nature 1
Good day to all! This addition to Earthwise and the Alabaster Horse is the first part of what will become an ongoing series that will appear from time to time showcasing the colors of nature. As far as I am concerned, these are the most beautiful colors. Colors found in nature run the gamut from quiet shades of brown to riotous reds of flaming paintbrush flowers. Nature’s colors cover the whole color spectrum. Pretty amazing. Sometimes you have to peer close to examine the colors, and at other times you are overwhelmed by the brilliant, startling blue of the sky…